15 MINUTE CITIES –  How these regulations will also affect TOWNS and RURAL MUNICIPALITIES

* Critical information *

Link to the original video on Rumble.
By: Geoff Snicer, along with Adrienne of Citizens Oversight Accountability Project (COAP)


BC FIRES – The Story Not Told


Canada Fires-Martial Law In Shuswap As Punishment For Community Action Plans


Stolen Water – Waging War On Water Rights And Bc Food Security

IT’s Coming Our Way

The Impact of UNDRIP & AGENDA 2030 Sustainable Development

Our Land & Freedoms are at Stake!

Reject Agenda 2030 image

Reject Agenda 2030




Intro Video: UNDRIP is Real.
Has Your City Been Infiltrated?

What Can I Do?

The main message is: “Get people involved and get informed.”

  1. Familiarize yourself with the existing LUBs (Land Use Bylaws).
  2. Find out what are the new proposed LUBs. Make note of any changes that affect you.
  3. Attend council meeting.
  4. Spread the word. Talk with your friends, neighbours, family, and everyone! LUBs are changing!

The more people we have encouraging local councils (emails and phone calls, showing up to Council Meetings) to make the right decisions, the better outcomes we are likely to have. Bring attention to the issue in all the municipalities and stop these prohibitive LUBs in their tracks – province and countrywide.

Visit the following websites:

Let’s get the word out.
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